9. Import a time series

In this tutorial we are adding a timeseries to the DataStore object. This might be useful if the temperature in one of the calibration baths was measured with an external device. It requires three steps to add the measurement files to the DataStore object: 1. Load the measurement files (e.g., csv, txt) with pandas into a pandas.Series object 2. Add the pandas.Series object to the DataStore 3. Align the time to that of the DTS measurement (required for calibration)

import pandas as pd
import os

from dtscalibration import read_silixa_files

Step 1: load the measurement files

filepath = os.path.join(
    "Loodswaternet2018-03-28 02h.csv",

# Bonus:
print(filepath, "\n")
with open(filepath, "r") as f:
    head = [next(f) for _ in range(5)]
print(" ".join(head))
../../tests/data/external_temperature_timeseries/Loodswaternet2018-03-28 02h.csv

"time","Pt100 2"
 2018-03-28 02:00:05, 12.748
 2018-03-28 02:00:10, 12.747
 2018-03-28 02:00:15, 12.746
 2018-03-28 02:00:20, 12.747

ts = pd.read_csv(filepath, sep=",", index_col=0, parse_dates=True)[
    "Pt100 2"
]  # See pandas' read_csv documentation for more options
ts = ts.tz_localize("Europe/Amsterdam")  # Set the timezone
ts.head()  # Double check the timezone
2018-03-28 02:00:05+02:00    12.748
2018-03-28 02:00:10+02:00    12.747
2018-03-28 02:00:15+02:00    12.746
2018-03-28 02:00:20+02:00    12.747
2018-03-28 02:00:26+02:00    12.747
Name: Pt100 2, dtype: float64

Now we quickly create a DataStore from xml-files with Stokes measurements to add the external timeseries to

filepath_ds = os.path.join("..", "..", "tests", "data", "double_ended2")
ds = read_silixa_files(directory=filepath_ds, timezone_netcdf="UTC", file_ext="*.xml")
6 files were found, each representing a single timestep
6 recorded vars were found: LAF, ST, AST, REV-ST, REV-AST, TMP
Recorded at 1693 points along the cable
The measurement is double ended
Reading the data from disk

Step 2: Add the temperature measurements of the external probe to the DataStore.

First add the coordinates

ds.coords["time_external"] = ts.index.values

Second we add the measured values

ds["external_probe"] = (("time_external",), ts)

Step 3: Align the time of the external measurements to the Stokes measurement times

We linearly interpolate the measurements of the external sensor to the times we have DTS measurements

ds["external_probe_dts"] = ds["external_probe"].interp(time_external=ds.time)
Data variables:
    st                     (x, time) float64 81kB 1.281 -0.5321 ... -41.08
    ast                    (x, time) float64 81kB 0.4917 1.243 ... -30.14 -32.09
    rst                    (x, time) float64 81kB 0.4086 -0.568 ... 4.822e+03
    rast                   (x, time) float64 81kB 2.569 -1.603 ... 4.224e+03
    tmp                    (x, time) float64 81kB 196.1 639.1 ... 8.442 18.47
    acquisitionTime        (time) float32 24B 2.098 2.075 2.076 ... 2.085 2.062
    referenceTemperature   (time) float32 24B 21.05 21.05 21.05 ... 21.05 21.06
    probe1Temperature      (time) float32 24B 4.361 4.36 4.359 4.36 4.36 4.361
    probe2Temperature      (time) float32 24B 18.58 18.58 18.58 ... 18.58 18.57
    referenceProbeVoltage  (time) float32 24B 0.1217 0.1217 ... 0.1217 0.1217
    probe1Voltage          (time) float32 24B 0.114 0.114 0.114 ... 0.114 0.114
    probe2Voltage          (time) float32 24B 0.121 0.121 0.121 ... 0.121 0.121
    userAcquisitionTimeFW  (time) float32 24B 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
    userAcquisitionTimeBW  (time) float32 24B 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
    external_probe         (time_external) float64 6kB 12.75 12.75 ... 12.76
    external_probe_dts     (time) float64 48B 12.75 12.75 12.75 ... 12.75 12.75

Now we can use external_probe_dts when we define sections and use it for calibration

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