Source code for dtscalibration.plot

import matplotlib.colors as colors
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

[docs] def plot_residuals_reference_sections( resid, sections, fig=None, title=None, plot_avg_std=None, plot_names=True, robust=True, units="", fig_kwargs=None, method="split", cmap="RdBu_r", ): """Analyze the residuals of the reference sections, between the Stokes signal and a best-fit decaying exponential. Parameters ---------- plot_avg_std resid : DataArray The residuals of the fit to estimate the noise in the measured Stokes signal. is returned by `variance_stokes_*()` sections : Dict[str, List[slice]] The sections obj is normally used to set DataStore.sections, now is used toobtain the section names to plot the names on top of the residuals. fig : Figurehandle, optional title : str, optional Adds a title to the plot plot_names : bool Whether the names of the sections are plotted on top of the residuals method: str 'split' will remove the distance between sections to cut down on the whitespace. 'single' will use the previous method, where all sections are in one plot. cmap : str Matplotlib colormap to use for the residual plot. By default it will use a diverging colormap. Returns: -------- fig : Figurehandle """ if method == "single": plot_residuals_reference_sections_single( resid, fig=fig, title=title, plot_avg_std=plot_avg_std, plot_names=plot_names, sections=sections, robust=robust, units=units, fig_kwargs=fig_kwargs, ) elif method != "split": raise AssertionError("Unknown method") else: # Set up the axes with gridspec if fig_kwargs is None: fig_kwargs = dict() if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6), **fig_kwargs) if title: fig.suptitle(title) # Create the unsorted list section_list = [] section_name_list = [] for section in sections: for sl in sections[section]: section_list.append(sl) section_name_list.append(section) # Make dictionaries to start sorting sections_dict = {} section_start_dict = {} for ii in range(len(section_list)): sections_dict[str(ii)] = [section_name_list[ii], section_list[ii]] section_start_dict[str(ii)] = section_list[ii].start sorted_sections = sorted( sections_dict, key=section_start_dict.__getitem__, reverse=True ) # Create the sorted name and slice lists section_name_list = [sections_dict[name][0] for name in sorted_sections] section_list = [sections_dict[name][1] for name in sorted_sections] resid_sections = [resid.sel(x=section) for section in section_list] section_ylims = [[sl.start, sl.stop] for sl in section_list] section_height_ratios = [sl.stop - sl.start for sl in section_list] nsections = len(section_list) grid = plt.GridSpec( ncols=3, nrows=nsections + 1, height_ratios=[sum(section_height_ratios) / 5] + section_height_ratios, width_ratios=[0.2, 0.8, 0.1], hspace=0.15, wspace=0.15, left=0.08, bottom=0.12, right=0.9, top=0.88, ) _x_ax_avg = fig.add_subplot(grid[0, 1]) x_ax_avg = _x_ax_avg.twinx() cbar_ax = fig.add_subplot(grid[1:, 2]) section_axes = [0] * nsections section_ax_avg = [0] * nsections legend_ax = fig.add_subplot(grid[0, 0]) for ii in range(nsections): section_axes[ii] = fig.add_subplot(grid[ii + 1, 1]) section_ax_avg[ii] = fig.add_subplot(grid[ii + 1, 0]) # Link all 2dplot axes to their bottom row for section_ax in section_axes[:-1]: section_axes[-1].get_shared_x_axes().join(section_axes[-1], section_ax) section_ax.set_xticklabels([]) # Link all 2dplot axes to their avg axes for ii in range(nsections): section_ax_avg[ii].get_shared_y_axes().join( section_ax_avg[ii], section_axes[ii] ) section_axes[ii].set_yticklabels([]) # Link all avg axes to their bottom row for section_avg in section_ax_avg[:-1]: section_ax_avg[-1].get_shared_x_axes().join(section_ax_avg[-1], section_avg) section_avg.set_xticklabels([]) # Link the x ax avg to the bottom row section_axes[-1].get_shared_x_axes().join(section_axes[-1], x_ax_avg) x_ax_avg.set_xticklabels([]) # Determine vmin, vmax; vmin, vmax = resid.quantile([0.02, 0.98]) maxv = np.max(np.abs([vmin, vmax])) vmin = -maxv vmax = maxv # Normalize the color scale to have 0 be the center divnorm = colors.TwoSlopeNorm(vmin=vmin, vcenter=0, vmax=vmax) # Plot the data for ii in range(nsections): resid_sections[ii].plot( ax=section_axes[ii], cbar_ax=cbar_ax, cbar_kwargs={"extend": "both"}, cmap=cmap, norm=divnorm, ) section_axes[ii].set_ylabel("") resid.sel(x=section_list[ii]).std(dim="time").plot( ax=section_ax_avg[ii], y="x", c="blue" ) resid.sel(x=section_list[ii]).mean(dim="time").plot( ax=section_ax_avg[ii], y="x", c="orange" ) section_ax_avg[ii].axvline(0, linestyle="-", c="black", linewidth=0.8) section_ax_avg[ii].set_ylabel("") cbar_ax.set_ylabel(units) for ii, section_avg in enumerate(section_ax_avg): section_avg.set_ylim(section_ylims[ii]) section_avg.set_xlim([vmin, vmax]) ticks = section_avg.set_yticks(section_ylims[ii]) ticks[0].label1.set_verticalalignment("bottom") ticks[1].label1.set_verticalalignment("top") section_avg.set_xticks( [np.floor(vmin * 10) / 10, 0, np.ceil(vmax * 10) / 10] ) section_ax_avg[-1].set_xlabel(units) for section_ax in section_axes[:-1]: section_ax.set_xlabel("") section_ax_avg[np.ceil(nsections / 2).astype(int) - 1].set_ylabel("x (m)") # plot the x ax avg resid.std(dim="x").plot(ax=x_ax_avg, c="blue") resid.mean(dim="x").plot(ax=x_ax_avg, c="orange") x_ax_avg.axhline(0, linestyle="-", c="black", linewidth=0.8) x_ax_avg.set_xlabel("") x_ax_avg.set_ylabel(units) _x_ax_avg.set_yticks([]) # make the legend legend_ax.fill_between([], [], facecolor="blue", label="STD") legend_ax.fill_between([], [], facecolor="orange", label="MEAN") legend_ax.legend(loc="center") legend_ax.axis("off") # add section names if plot_names: for ii, section in enumerate(section_list): xlim = section_axes[ii].get_xlim() xc = (xlim[1] + xlim[0]) / 2 yc = (section.start + section.stop) / 2 section_axes[ii].text( xc, yc, s=section_name_list[ii], horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", bbox=dict(facecolor="white", alpha=0.90, edgecolor="none"), ) return fig
[docs] def plot_residuals_reference_sections_single( resid, fig=None, title=None, plot_avg_std=None, plot_names=True, sections=None, robust=True, units="", fig_kwargs=None, ): """Analyze the residuals of the reference sections, between the Stokes signal and a best-fit decaying exponential. Parameters ---------- plot_avg_std resid : DataArray The residuals of the fit to estimate the noise in the measured Stokes signal. is returned by `variance_stokes_*()` fig : Figurehandle, optional title : str, optional Adds a title to the plot plot_names : bool Whether the names of the sections are plotted on top of the residuals sections : Dict[str, List[slice]] The sections obj is normally used to set DataStore.sections, now is used toobtain the section names to plot the names on top of the residuals. 'time' : str Name of the time dimension to average/take the variance of "x" : str Name of the spatial dimension Returns: -------- fig : Figurehandle """ if plot_names: assert sections is not None, ( "The sections names are obtained from " "the sections dict" ) # Set up the axes with gridspec if fig_kwargs is None: fig_kwargs = dict() if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6), **fig_kwargs) if title: fig.suptitle(title) grid = plt.GridSpec( 10, 10, hspace=0.2, wspace=0.2, left=0.08, bottom=0.12, right=0.9, top=0.88 ) main_ax = fig.add_subplot(grid[2:, 2:-1]) y_ax_avg = fig.add_subplot(grid[2:, :2]) # xticklabels=[], x_ax_avg = fig.add_subplot(grid[:2, 2:-1]) # , sharex=main_ax legend_ax = fig.add_subplot(grid[:2, :2], xticklabels=[], yticklabels=[]) cbar_ax = fig.add_subplot(grid[2:, -1], xticklabels=[], yticklabels=[]) if np.issubdtype(resid["time"].dtype, float) or np.issubdtype( resid["time"].dtype, int ): resid.plot.imshow( ax=main_ax, cbar_ax=cbar_ax, cbar_kwargs={"aspect": 10}, robust=robust ) else: resid.plot( ax=main_ax, cbar_ax=cbar_ax, cbar_kwargs={"aspect": 10}, robust=robust ) main_ax.set_yticklabels([]) main_ax.set_ylabel("") cbar_ax.set_ylabel(units) # x_ax_avg x_ax_avg2 = x_ax_avg.twinx() resid.std(dim="x").plot(ax=x_ax_avg2, c="blue") resid.mean(dim="x").plot(ax=x_ax_avg2, c="orange") x_ax_avg2.axhline(0, linestyle="-", c="black", linewidth=0.8) if plot_avg_std is not None: x_ax_avg2.axhline(plot_avg_std, linestyle="--", c="blue") x_ax_avg.set_xticklabels([]) x_ax_avg.set_yticklabels([]) x_ax_avg.set_xlim(main_ax.get_xlim()) x_ax_avg2.set_ylabel(units) # y_ax_avg dp = resid.std(dim="time") x = dp.values y = dp.x y_ax_avg.plot(x, y, c="blue") dp = resid.mean(dim="time") x = dp.values y = dp.x y_ax_avg.plot(x, y, c="orange") y_ax_avg.set_ylim(main_ax.get_ylim()) y_ax_avg.set_ylabel("x (m)") y_ax_avg.set_xlabel(units) if plot_avg_std is not None: y_ax_avg.axvline(plot_avg_std, linestyle="--", c="blue") y_ax_avg.axvline(0, linestyle="-", c="black", linewidth=0.8) # reverse axis y_ax_avg.set_xlim(y_ax_avg.get_xlim()[::-1]) # legend legend_ax.fill_between([], [], facecolor="blue", label="STD") legend_ax.fill_between([], [], facecolor="orange", label="MEAN") legend_ax.legend(loc="center") legend_ax.axis("off") if plot_names: xlim = main_ax.get_xlim() xc = (xlim[1] + xlim[0]) / 2 for k, section in sections.items(): for stretch in section: yc = (stretch.start + stretch.stop) / 2 main_ax.text( xc, yc, k, horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", bbox=dict(facecolor="white", alpha=0.90, edgecolor="none"), ) return fig
[docs] def plot_accuracy( accuracy, accuracy_x_avg, accuracy_time_avg, precision_x_avg=None, precision_time_avg=None, real_accuracy_time_avg=None, fig=None, title=None, plot_names=True, sections=None, ): """Analyze the residuals of the reference sections, between the Stokes signal and a best-fit decaying exponential. Parameters ---------- plot_avg_std resid : DataArray The residuals of the fit to estimate the noise in the measured Stokes signal. is returned by `variance_stokes_*()` fig : Figurehandle, optional title : str, optional Adds a title to the plot plot_names : bool, optional Whether the names of the sections are plotted on top of the residuals sections : Dict[str, List[slice]] The sections obj is normally used to set DataStore.sections, now is used toobtain the section names to plot the names on top of the residuals. "x" : str Name of the spatial dimension Returns: -------- fig : Figurehandle """ if plot_names: assert sections is not None, ( "The sections names are obtained from " "the sections dict" ) # Set up the axes with gridspec if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) if title: fig.suptitle(title) # setup the axes grid = plt.GridSpec( 10, 10, hspace=0.2, wspace=0.2, left=0.08, bottom=0.12, right=0.9, top=0.88 ) main_ax = fig.add_subplot(grid[2:, 2:-1]) y_ax_avg = fig.add_subplot(grid[2:, :2]) # xticklabels=[], x_ax_avg = fig.add_subplot(grid[:2, 2:-1]) # , sharex=main_ax legend_ax = fig.add_subplot(grid[:2, :2], xticklabels=[], yticklabels=[]) cbar_ax = fig.add_subplot(grid[2:, -1], xticklabels=[], yticklabels=[]) accuracy.plot(ax=main_ax, cbar_ax=cbar_ax, cbar_kwargs={"aspect": 20}, robust=True) main_ax.set_yticklabels([]) main_ax.set_ylabel("") cbar_ax.set_ylabel(r"$^\circ$C") # x_ax_avg x_ax_avg2 = x_ax_avg.twinx() x_ax_avg2.axhline(0, linestyle="-", c="black", linewidth=0.8) if precision_x_avg is not None: precision_x_avg.plot(ax=x_ax_avg2, c="blue", linewidth=1.1) accuracy_x_avg.plot(ax=x_ax_avg2, c="orange", linewidth=0.9) x_ax_avg.set_xticklabels([]) x_ax_avg.set_yticklabels([]) x_ax_avg.set_yticks([]) x_ax_avg.set_xlim(main_ax.get_xlim()) x_ax_avg2.set_ylabel(r"$^\circ$C") # y_ax_avg y_ax_avg.axvline(0, linestyle="-", c="black", linewidth=0.8) if precision_time_avg is not None: x = precision_time_avg.values y = precision_time_avg.x y_ax_avg.plot(x, y, c="blue", linewidth=1.1) x = accuracy_time_avg.values y = accuracy_time_avg.x y_ax_avg.plot(x, y, c="orange", linewidth=0.9) if real_accuracy_time_avg is not None: x = real_accuracy_time_avg.values y = real_accuracy_time_avg.x y_ax_avg.plot(x, y, c="green", linewidth=0.9) y_ax_avg.set_ylim(main_ax.get_ylim()) y_ax_avg.set_xlabel(r"$^\circ$C") y_ax_avg.set_ylabel("x (m)") # reverse axis y_ax_avg.set_xlim(y_ax_avg.get_xlim()[::-1]) # legend if real_accuracy_time_avg is not None: legend_ax.fill_between([], [], facecolor="blue", label="Projected precision") legend_ax.fill_between([], [], facecolor="orange", label="Projected accuracy") legend_ax.fill_between([], [], facecolor="green", label="Measured accuracy") else: legend_ax.fill_between([], [], facecolor="blue", label="Precision") legend_ax.fill_between([], [], facecolor="orange", label="Accuracy") legend_ax.legend(loc="right", fontsize=9) legend_ax.axis("off") if plot_names: xlim = main_ax.get_xlim() xc = (xlim[1] + xlim[0]) / 2 for k, section in sections.items(): for stretch in section: # main axis yc = (stretch.start + stretch.stop) / 2 main_ax.text( xc, yc, k, horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", bbox=dict(facecolor="white", alpha=0.90, edgecolor="none"), ) # main_ax.axhline(stretch.start, color='white', linewidth=1.4) main_ax.axhline(stretch.start, color="grey", linewidth=0.8) # main_ax.axhline(stretch.stop, color='white', linewidth=1.4) main_ax.axhline(stretch.stop, color="grey", linewidth=0.8) # y-avg-axis y_ax_avg.axhline(stretch.start, color="grey", linewidth=0.8) y_ax_avg.axhline(stretch.stop, color="grey", linewidth=0.8) return fig
[docs] def plot_sigma_report( ds, sections, temp_label, temp_var_acc_label, temp_var_prec_label=None, itimes=None ): """Returns two sub-plots. first a temperature with confidence boundaries. Parameters ---------- ds sections temp_label temp_var_label itimes """ assert "CI" not in ds[temp_label].dims, "use other plot report function" fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, sharex=True, figsize=(12, 8)) colors = ["#ffeda0", "#feb24c", "#f03b20"] line_kwargs = dict(linewidth=0.7) if itimes: temp = ds[temp_label].isel(time=itimes) stds = np.sqrt(ds[temp_var_acc_label].isel(time=itimes)).compute() else: temp = ds[temp_label].mean(dim="time").compute() stds = np.sqrt(ds[temp_var_acc_label]).mean(dim="time").compute() for lbl, clr in zip([2.0, 1.0], colors): y1 = temp - lbl * stds y2 = temp + lbl * stds label_str = f"{lbl:2.2f}" + r"$\sigma$ confidence interval" ax1.fill_between( y1.x, y1, y2, facecolor=clr, label=label_str, alpha=0.9, linewidth=0.7, edgecolor=clr, ) if isinstance(itimes, list): for iitimes in itimes: ds[temp_label].isel(time=iitimes).plot( ax=ax1, c="grey", label="DTS single", **line_kwargs ) temp.plot(ax=ax1, linewidth=0.8, c="black", label="DTS") if itimes: sigma_est = ds.dts.ufunc_per_section( sections=sections, label=temp_label, func=np.std, temp_err=True, calc_per="stretch", axis=0, ) else: sigma_est = ds.dts.ufunc_per_section( sections=sections, label=temp_label, func=np.std, temp_err=True, calc_per="stretch", ) for (k, v), (k_se, v_se) in zip(ds.sections.items(), sigma_est.items()): for vi, v_sei in zip(v, v_se): if hasattr(v_sei, "compute"): v_sei.compute() val = ds[k].mean(dim="time") if not itimes else ds[k].isel(time=itimes) ax1.plot( [vi.start, vi.stop], [val, val], linewidth=0.8, c="blue", linestyle="--" ) sig_dts = stds.sel(x=vi).mean() tbx, tby = (vi.start + vi.stop) / 2, val tbt = ( r"$\sigma_{Est}$ = " + f"{}" + r"$^\circ$C" + "\n" + r"$\sigma_{DTS}$ = " + f"{v_sei:2.3f}" + r"$^\circ$C" ) ax1.annotate( tbt, xy=(tbx, tby), ha="center", fontsize=8, xytext=(0, 16), textcoords="offset points", bbox=dict(fc="white", alpha=0.9, color="none"), ) if itimes is None: ax1.set_title( "Temperature and standard deviation averaged over " "time per reference section" ) else: ax1.set_title( f"Projected uncertainty at t={itimes} compared to standard error in baths" ) ax1.legend() ax1.set_ylabel(r"Temperature [$^\circ$C]") err_ref = ds.dts.ufunc_per_section( sections=sections, label=temp_label, func=None, temp_err=True, calc_per="stretch", ) x_ref = ds.dts.ufunc_per_section(sections=sections, label="x", calc_per="stretch") for (k, v), (k_se, v_se), (kx, vx) in zip( ds.sections.items(), err_ref.items(), x_ref.items() ): for vi, v_sei, vxi in zip(v, v_se, vx): var_temp_t = np.std(v_sei, axis=1) ax2.plot(vxi, var_temp_t, label=k, **line_kwargs) if temp_var_acc_label: stds.plot(ax=ax2, c="black", label="Projected accuracy", **line_kwargs) if temp_var_prec_label: if itimes: stds_prec = np.sqrt(ds[temp_var_prec_label].isel(time=itimes)) else: stds_prec = np.sqrt(ds[temp_var_prec_label]).mean(dim="time") stds_prec.plot(ax=ax2, c="black", label="Projected precision", **line_kwargs) ax2.set_ylim([0.0, 1.1 * stds.max()]) ax2.legend() ax2.set_ylabel(r"Temperature [$^\circ$C]") plt.tight_layout()
[docs] def plot_location_residuals_double_ended( ds, werr, hix, tix, ix_sec, ix_match_not_cal, nt ): from xarray import Dataset nx_sec = ix_sec.size npair = hix.size nx_match_not_cal = ix_match_not_cal.size data_vars = {} s = slice(None, nx_sec * nt) arr = np.zeros((ds.x.size, nt), dtype=float) arr[ix_sec] = werr[s].reshape((nx_sec, nt)) # at ix_sec data_vars["werr_F"] = (("x", "time"), arr) s = slice(nx_sec * nt, 2 * nx_sec * nt) arr = np.zeros((ds.x.size, nt), dtype=float) arr[ix_sec] = werr[s].reshape((nx_sec, nt)) # at ix_sec data_vars["werr_B"] = (("x", "time"), arr) if np.any(hix): s = slice(2 * nx_sec * nt, 2 * nx_sec * nt + npair * nt) arr = np.zeros((ds.x.size, nt), dtype=float) arr[hix] = werr[s].reshape((npair, nt)) # at arr[tix] = werr[s].reshape((npair, nt)) # at # ix_sec data_vars["werr_eq1"] = (("x", "time"), arr) s = slice(2 * nx_sec * nt + npair * nt, 2 * nx_sec * nt + 2 * npair * nt) arr = np.zeros((ds.x.size, nt), dtype=float) arr[hix] = werr[s].reshape((npair, nt)) # at arr[tix] = werr[s].reshape((npair, nt)) # at # ix_sec data_vars["werr_eq2"] = (("x", "time"), arr) s = slice( 2 * nx_sec * nt + 2 * npair * nt, 2 * nx_sec * nt + 2 * npair * nt + nx_match_not_cal * nt, ) arr = np.zeros((ds.x.size, nt), dtype=float) arr[ix_match_not_cal] = werr[s].reshape((nx_match_not_cal, nt)) # at ix_sec data_vars["werr_eq3"] = (("x", "time"), arr) dv = Dataset(data_vars=data_vars, coords=dict(x=ds.x, time=ds.time)) if np.any(hix): dv["werr_tot"] = ( dv["werr_F"] ** 2 + dv["werr_B"] ** 2 + dv["werr_eq1"] ** 2 + dv["werr_eq2"] ** 2 + dv["werr_eq3"] ** 2 ) else: dv["werr_tot"] = dv["werr_F"] ** 2 + dv["werr_B"] ** 2 fig, axs = plt.subplots( len(dv.data_vars), 1, figsize=(12, 12), gridspec_kw=dict(hspace=0.02), sharex=True, sharey=True, ) vmin, vmax = np.percentile(werr, [5, 95]) for (k, v), ax in zip(dv.data_vars.items(), axs): v.plot(ax=ax, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) plt.figure() dv["werr_tot"].sum(dim="time").plot() return dv