
dtscalibration.plot.plot_residuals_reference_sections(resid, sections, fig=None, title=None, plot_avg_std=None, plot_names=True, robust=True, units='', fig_kwargs=None, method='split', cmap='RdBu_r')[source]

Analyze the residuals of the reference sections, between the Stokes signal and a best-fit decaying exponential.

  • plot_avg_std

  • resid (DataArray) – The residuals of the fit to estimate the noise in the measured Stokes signal. is returned by variance_stokes_*()

  • sections (Dict[str, List[slice]]) – The sections obj is normally used to set DataStore.sections, now is used toobtain the section names to plot the names on top of the residuals.

  • fig (Figurehandle, optional)

  • title (str, optional) – Adds a title to the plot

  • plot_names (bool) – Whether the names of the sections are plotted on top of the residuals

  • method (str) – ‘split’ will remove the distance between sections to cut down on the whitespace. ‘single’ will use the previous method, where all sections are in one plot.

  • cmap (str) – Matplotlib colormap to use for the residual plot. By default it will use a diverging colormap.

  • Returns

  • ——–

  • fig (Figurehandle)